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The Grand Opening of ZBOM Showroom was Held Successfully in Thailand CDC

Create_time:2022-02-12 Views:5789

On the occasion of the coming of ChineseNew Year-Year of Tiger, ZBOM and RALPH- the Thai Interior design company held agrand opening ceremony for the showroom in the high-end Crystal Design Center (CDC) Bangkok on January 8, 2022, in which a number of local celebrities were invited. Major news media interviewed the people from all walks of life who attended the opening ceremony on that day.

On behalf of ZBOM, Ms. Monica shared ZBOM mission : turning people’s good imagination of home into reality with every guests. She also expressed ZBOM culture and the development prospects of ZBOM,which earned the unanimous praise and applause from the guests present.

On behalf of RALPH ,Mr. Sorawit addressed on the opening ceremony, briefly introducing the Thai market and describing the direction of future cooperation. Meanwhile he expressed his warmest welcome and heartfelt thanks for ZBOM arrival.After Speech ,Mr Sorawit answered the media and press question on the spot. The guests at the scene praised Mr. Sorawit answers to the questions and expressed their appreciation and warm welcome to ZBOM

As a professional brand of customized home furnishings, ZBOM maintains the innovative interpretation of home display and intelligent technology in showroom design.Reasonable space layout, high-end product display and smart home application make consumers feel the warmth of home. At the same time, the local top leading design teams came to visit the showroom and they were deeply impressed by the Italian style in the showroom . According to statistics, there were more than 200 visitors on that day.In the end, ZBOM and RALPH took a group photo together on the stage, which won resounding cheers for the showroom opening .In the future, ZBOM will give full play to its technical and service advantage, continuing to focus on the home furnishings industry and improve the product quality in order to bring the better home experience for every customer and help them to realize the ideal home. ZBOM will continue to strive to be the world-renowned home furnishings brand and become the national pride of customized home furnishings industry.