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ZBOM Overseas Showroom "Settled Down" in Manila, Philippines

Create_time:2022-09-05 Views:2976

Good news from the overseas business department of ZBOM, the 9S showroom has successfully settled in the Metro Manila,Philippines. This is the third overseas ZBOM showroom in 2022, proving the brand charm of Chinese custom home furnishing to the world with strength and speed.

ZBOM 9S showroom is located on the first floor of LRI Design Plaza in Makarti, which enjoys the high reputation among local customers due to the countless global luxury home furnishing brands.

On the opening day, many well-known designers and local owners participated in the opening ceremony and were surprised by the advanced finishes, high-tech functionals and stunning design of China products. The showroom products and decorations obtain accordant appreciation.

The showroom focuses on mid-high end market and obtains accordant appreciation due to the samples are including Nocturne TV Cabinets, Bach Hall Cabinets, Youth Collection, CHIC II collection. Those products express the attitudes towards aesthetics and comfortable home life, inspire people's yearning for the high quality life!

In recent years, although influenced by the epidemic and the war situation, ZBOM has achieved significant sucess and completed Bankok showroom, Phnom Phen showroom and Metro Manila showroom opening.

In the future, ZBOM will reach mutual-benefit cooperation with more oversea partners to creat win-win situation. ZBOM will put into full advntage of tech and serivice to provide consumers with more high quality customized home furnishings, contributing to offering people's better life!